Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Matthew's One Year Pediatrician Visit...

Matthew had is "one-year" check-up with Dr. Rees last week. As always, Matthew is thriving, growing like a weed, and overall, doing very well. He continues to remain in the 95th percentile for height, so I am convinced that Matthew is going to grow up to be quite tall. His pediatrician was impressed with both his motor and cognitive development. Matthew is quite a little "brut", as he was moving the furniture in the exam room. (Kind of embarassing). He also has quite a bit to say for his age. He now says "mama", "dada", "duck", although is sounds more like "duh", "dog", and "ugh oh". Matthew's favorite thing to do is read book after book after book. I am convinced that all of the reading I do to him is really paying off. I hope he continues to be my little "book worm".

Here are his stats...

Height - 30.4 inches...95th percentile

Weight - 23 pounds, 9 ounces...50th percentile

Head circumference - 47 centimeters...90th percentile

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Smith...

Our friends Drake and Audra wed on Friday, July 31st. The wedding ceremony and reception were at Rancho Los Lomas in Silverado. Mike and I had a great time, as that was the first time in quite a while, that we were able to "get away", Matthew free. It was also great for Mike to catch up with lots of old friends he went to high school with.
Congratulations Drake and Audra. Have fun on your honeymoon in Bali~

Welcome Baby Luke...

My friend Stacie, and her husband Nathan, FINALLY got to bring their precious Luke home from the hospital.
Luke and Matthew share the same birthday. Luke was born on July 5th, 2009. Luke must have been really excited to meet his parents and was only 34 1/2 weeks old when he was born. But, all of our prayers were answered. Luke was born perfectly healthy and only needed to stay in the NICU for two weeks.
Luke is now home with his mommy and daddy, and is doing very well. His proud parents had a "welcome home" baby shower, and I was able to meet Luke for this very first time.
Welcome home baby Luke. You are a cutie!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Needles Trip ~ July 2009

We were lucky enough to sqeeze in another trip to Needles during the busy month of July. We had such a good time. As always, it is great to get together with good friends and relax with the kiddos. Well, I guess I did not get to do too much relaxing, but that's alright, because the kids had such a great time, it was all worth it. Despite the rediculously hot temperatures as well, the kiddos all managed to do very well. We can hardly wait to go back again.
Matthew...The "ladies man!"

Cool dude!

My boys

The boys cooling off in the water
The kiddos relaxin' on the beach

My sexy hubby and I

Our fun fam!