Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Friday, October 15, 2010

OB Check-up...

I had an OB check-up on Wednesday with Dr. A's nurse practitioner, Angela. All and all, it was a great visit. I am now 34 1/2 weeks. Hard to believe that this baby is going to make its debut soon. I have on more week of work left! HOORAY! Mike and I are going to start working on the nursery this weekend. We are going to paint the baby's room grey. If this little "bun in my oven" is a boy, then the room will be grey, dark green, and navy blue. We found really cute "elephant" bedding online at Restoration Hardware Kids. If it is a girl, then I am going to do the room more of a shabby chic look, with pink and white accents, and birds.

Here are the visits stats:

Weeks pregnant: 34 1/2

Weight gained: I didn't want to post this, but I'm a "transparent" kind of girl. I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks. I had to confess that the "pie sale" at Marie Callendar's was to blame. Needless to say, I will be having fruit for dessert and not fruit pie for the remainder of this pregnancy!!! Enough said!!!

BP: 118/70 (Good)

Fundal Height: 35 centimeters

Cervical Exam: No effacement! No dilation! Nothin' goin' on down there! I have been having quite a lot of contractions, so it was reassuring to know that things are not happening yet. This baby needs to bake longer!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

L.A. County Fair...

A 40 year old elephant named "Kitty"
Mattie and Grampie looking at the animals

Mattie, Christie, and Grandma

Mommy & Mattie being silly on the burro

I took Matthew to the L.A. County Fair last week. We went with my parents and our friends Greg and Christie. Matthew had such a good time. I was so stressed to get Matthew a voucher to go on all of the fun rides they have there. Unfortunately, McDonald's ran out of the vouchers on our stop there, before we hit up the fair. Good thing! Matthew could have cared less about the rides. Matthew is just like his mommy. He LOVES animals. We literally spent the entire night looking at all of the many animals that are at the fair. Matthew's favorite animal was "Kitty" the elephant. He keeps asking me when we can go back to the fair to see "Kitty". Soooooooooooooo cute!!!

Belly Shots...

33 weeks

32 weeks

With the second pregnancy, I have to admit, I have not been as good about taking "belly shots". So, here are a few recent ones. I need to get my "belly shots" from Matthew handy, so that I can compare the pregnancies/my size. I am carrying much different with this pregnancy. And I don't think I my belly is quite as large. But, some good side by side comparison pics would be fun!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

32 Week Baby Update...

Hello friends and family...
Our computer has been down for a few weeks now. I am going to work my hardest to keep you updated.
With only THREE MORE WEEKS of work until I go on maternity leave, it has really hit us hard that WE WILL BE HAVING A BABY SOON!
I now see my OB every two weeks, instead of monthly. Things are going very well. I saw Dr. A on Wednesday, and God has continued to bless us with a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy.
Here are the stats...
BP: 120/70 (good)
Mommy's weight gain: 32 pounds (Good for the baby...Bad for mommy)
Baby's weight gain: The baby now weighs 4 1/2 pounds (We are looking at another 8 pound, or more baby....Probably more per Dr. A)
Fundal height: 32 weeks (right on)
Ultrasound: BABY'S HEAD IS DOWN!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Baby Bump ~ 27 Weeks...

"Holy cow!"
I'm thinking this is more than just a "bump!"

Happy 3rd Birthday Harper...

Me and my baby
Harper eating her candy & Matthew picking his nose ~ Classic!

My little cutie

Hitting the pinata

Daddy & Mattie
Happy, happy birthday to you....Harper!
We hope you had a very special day!

Happy 1st Birthday Wyatt...

Blowing up balloons with daddy
Wyatt eating his birthday cake

Bounce house time!

My boys

Pinata time!

Wyatt going down the slide

Friday, August 20, 2010

Main & Promenade Park...

One of Matthew's favorite parks is the park on Main & Promenade. I know it has a name, I'm just not sure what it is. He always asks me..."Go to park and ride on turtles".
Riding on the turtle

Striking a serious pose

Matthew's Balloon Obsession Continues...

Matthew's balloon obsession continues. In fact, we literally cannot escape any grocery store/situation without one. The other day at Albertsons, I could not escape without a huge, near life-size cow balloon. I am not sure why he was so drawn to this balloon, but he was. And, I am the sucker that had to get it. I'd rather suck it up and have a life-size cow balloon tied to my cart, then to have to leave the store mid-shop, because shopping without a balloon is just not as fun!
Showing off his turtle balloon he got at the San Dimas street fair

Hitting up the hostess for more balloons ~ Priceless!


Trying to pop it!

Nothing like some cheeze-its to weigh down a balloon

A Kiss for Douglas...

I have to write things down when they happen, otherwise I will forget them.
My mom asked Matthew the other day, what the baby's name is, he instantly replied, "Douglas". We are not sure where he came up with such a name. But, I am guessing it has to do with one of the train characters on "Thomas the Train".
So, now, everytime he sees my shirt up, he asks me if he can give Doulgas a kiss. He also talks to Douglas a lot, which is so precious. I need to record it on video. He tells the baby..."Douglas, Douglas, come out. Play trains with me". Matthew is going to be quite disappointed when Douglas comes out, because I don't think he/she is going to play trains for quite a while.
What a little cutie!

Heritage Park...

I spend many of my days at parks, as Matthew goes, goes, goes. He hates being cooped up in the house. I think I am familiar with every park within an hour radius of our house. One of Matthew's favorite parks is Heritage Park, in La Verne, which is near my parent's house. I enjoy taking pictures of my Mattie during play. I always tell him to "say cheese" when I take his picture. Lately, his favorite silly thing to do is to move around and strike different poses, so I will take his pic. He tells me, "say cheese over here mommy, then he moves and says "now say cheese over here mommy". I have gotten some very cute and "hammy" pictures lately. He makes me laugh so much!

Matthew's B.F.F.

One of Matthew's best friends is my friend Sandie's son, Caleb. We try to get our boys together quite often, because they play so well, that we can actually sit and relax, not worrying that they are going to beat each other up. Well, that's exactly what they do. They wrestle, they play rough, they act like boys, and they have the time of their lives. It is so cute to watch them interact and play together. They truly love each other!

Happy 4th Anniversary...

The belly at 25 weeks
Mike and I had a very "hot date" for our fourth anniversary. We went to King's Fish House for dinner, and then to see a movie. We had a great time and cannot wait to go on another "hot date". We hope to get a few more dates in before the little bun arrives!

I love you babe!


Matt's whips...
Mike and I attempted to clean out the garage a few weekends ago. In an attempt to organize the mess, we lined up all of Matthew's "rides". After they were all lined up, we began laughing out loud. We immediately thought of "Cribs" on MTV. We were joking that Matt is like a rapper, with all of his whips. I had to get a pic of this. The sad thing is, Matt has many more whips that weren't even included in the pic! LOL!


One of Matthew's most favorite people in the world is my dad. He loves grandpa so much, that it is difficult to passify him until the next occasion when grandpa will return for a visit. Matthew's nickname for grandpa is "Boompa", because he has a hard time saying "grandpa". Matthew insists on calling "Boompa" several times throughout the day. Also, anything and everything that needs fixed, or anything that is really exciting, such as going to the park, Matthew always says "Boompa can fix it" or "Boompa is going". And, of course, when "Boompa" is around, Mike and I might as well forget it. We are pretty much "chopped liver".
Feeding the duckies with "Boompa"

Serious stuff

"Here, Boompa"

Helping Boompa assemble the new big wheel