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Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's at Lake Mohave - 2009

For New Year's, we decided to get away and go to Lake Mohave for some rest and relaxation. Mike's absolute favorite place to be is the river, so going there was an extra special treat, considering it had been over six months since he had been. I had not been since I was several months pregnant, so it had been well over a year for me. And, Matthew had never been boating before, so Mike and I were super excited to take Matthew on our boat for the first time. Despite the fact that it was really cold, Matthew and the family had a great time!!! And, New Year's Eve is a special night for Mike and I. We met on New Year's Eve six years ago, and as you know, the rest is history. Happy "other" anniversary honey! Here's to many more New Year's together. I love you!!!

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