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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Matthew's Nine Month Pediatrician Visit...

Matthew had his nine month well-baby check-up with his pediatrician last week. He did very well. I was wondering if he was going to be "fearful" this time, since he is so more aware of what is going on....And, everytime he goes, they poke him. But....He did great! Matthew is just so loving and so outgoing. He has not shown any real signs of fear with anyone, including strangers. Interesting! Everything checked out well. Matthew's growth has really slowed down. He is still in the 90th percentile for height, and is now 29 3/4 inches long. However, his weight has dropped to the 60th percentile. He now weighs 20 pounds and 12 ounces. Matthew is doing well and reaching all of his developmental and cognitive milestones. He is still "cruising" all over the place and desiring to walk more and more everyday. I love taking him out on walks because he points at everything. The other day, he pointed to an airplane. I was amazed that he was able to spot it out. He still has a very minimal vocabulary. He says "mama", "dada", and "ugh oh". His daddy taught him to say "ugh oh", as this is his favorite utterance. He says it everytime he drops something, which is pretty much all of the time.

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