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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Second Trimester Bliss...

I am really enjoying the "second trimester" of my pregnancy. The "first trimester" was another story, hence, no blog posts about it. I was in "survival mode", literally, for the first three months. I felt like absoulte "dog pooh". It was all I could do to work, take care of my family, and maybe conjure up the energy to take a quick shower. I do not miss those days and am so happy to feel like myself again.
I started to feel the baby move at 16 weeks, which is, of course, the most amazing thing ever. It brings a smile to my face everytime I feel the little "butterfly kisses" inside.
We had our 16 week appointment with Dr. A last week. Everything is going well. He did not do an ultrasound this time. But, my funal height is measuring around 19 centimeters, which is, once again, telling us all that this bebita or bebito is gonna be on the larger side again. The baby's heartrate was also on the faster side. Dr. A. knows we do not wish to know the gender of our baby. He was cute and guessed we are having a girl, based upon the faster heartrate. I don't really have any inklings either way, as far as gender is concered. I do feel completely different with this pregnancy, but, from what I've been told, every pregnancy is different. I don't want to read into things, so I'm gonna pull the "I don't know" card. Although, I knew for sure Matthew was a boy. Go figure! I guess I'll just have to wait until "Turkey Day", or whenever this little bun decides it's time.
Belly at 15 weeks

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